Our Approach
History of ARF
The Aurora Republican Forum was founded in 1985 to encourage Aurora Republicans to get involved in the election process. Our goal is to provide a forum in which members ~ through speakers, debates, seminars and other opportunities ~ become educated on the issues affecting the City of Aurora, the State of Colorado, the United States and the Republican Party.
Our Story
Membership Requirements
A member must be a registered Republican, at least 18 years of age, who has completed an ARF membership form and has paid annual dues.
Types of Membership
INDIVIDUAL: Member meets eligibility requirements and has full voting privileges.
FAMILY: Family membership shall include members of the immediate family residing at the same address, each of whom meets eligibility requirements and is 18 years of age or older. Each such family member shall have full voting privileges.
Dues shall be paid annually, and are due and payable January 1st of the year. Dues paid by new members joining in the 4th quarter of the current year shall be considered paid until December 31st of the ensuing year.
Join Us the third Saturday of Each Month
We meet on the third Saturday of each month except for December.